This notice only for outside of Mac App Store users.
Before you update veriosn 3.2.8 and below to version 3.3.1 and above, please make sure your version is 3.2.8, then use menu: MWeb - Export Preferences Data... to export the preferences. When you updated to version 3.3.1, please use menu: MWeb - Import Preferences Data... to import the preferences.
Tip : If you already updated to 3.3.1 and forgot to export the preferences data. You can re-download the 3.2.8 version, export it, and then import it in version 3.3.1.
Version 3.3.1 update:
- Compatible with macOS Catalina.
- Support iCloud.
- Add is use WKWebView to Preferences - General.
- Other bug fixes and stability improvements.